Notes on creating Gobyerno Project Honmoku, Japan Edition with collaborators Junnosuke Tada and curator Chikara Fujiwara with the help of translator Lisa Fukuoka.
Role-playing creates distance from one's self and proximity to others. RP as empathy tool.
7 speech styles for president.
Revolution as ground theme. With Japan having distance from revolution, such theme is necessary.
Choosing the leader based on step move principle.
Choosing a group believing whether one should change the people or one should change the system.
Theater 1 as Ideal Government.
Theater 2 as Worst Government.
Theater 2 citizens transfer to Theater 1.
Negotiation on borders happen.
PhysicaliZing spatial and subliminal borders.
Addressing issues of migration, cultural differences and terrorism.
Social media as religion - follow your beliefs.
Audience curates :
What can be done?
What can not be done?
What can be said?
What can not be said?
On censorship and self-censorship.
Range instead of binaries - most priority.